About   Me

I am a spiritual, loving, creative, joyful rebel that has the ability to look at life from a place of freedom.
I love humans and the complexity of life fascinates me. I am a healer. I serve the frequency of JOY.

fun fact number one

I believe we need to heal collectively and change the way we are living. Each one of us holds the necessary wisdom for the unique life path. We just have to reclaim our power through self-love.

fact number five

The process was intense. I turned myself inside out. It felt like I died a hundred deaths to be reborn a thousand times. I wrote a book about my healing journey "PHenomenal Life: from burnout to life in balance"
Read a sample:

fact number four


At exclusive retreats for women, I hold tender space for deep journeys from past traumas into the joy while working intuitively to help women gain direction, healing, and empowerment – mind, body, and spirit.

fact number two

fun facts about me

🌀 Flow State Breathwork® is an innovative method to stimulate group collaboration, productivity & focus. Uplevel your business!

🌀 90-min private one-on-one session just for you! It could be a Quantum Healing with energy alignment
life/mindset/high performance  coaching including talk therapy and hypnosis. I customize each session.

group & private sessions

I offer

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phenomenal quantum ® 

breathwork + mindset  + e n e r g y